Geographical situation
Lavial is a village located at the altitude of 1500 feet, in La Vallee de Jacmel in the southeastern part of Haiti. It is accessible by a winding, steep mountainous road approximately four hours from Port au Prince. This school is located minutes away from the Sainte-Therese elementary school, which we have already repaired.

2 attendances: Morning and afternoon
Enrollment: 50 students for preschool and kindergarten 
Staff: 1 teacher and 1 assistant
Units to be repaired: 
1 large classroom
1 kitchen/food depot
Tables and chairs for students 

Assessment of the building
Built in hard materials on a relatively resistant soil. 
The building has sustained serious damage of its roof, floors and partial walls. Additionally, latrines are inoperable because full. The first phase of work will consist of demolishing and removing the roof structure and covering, two support beams and floor in all rooms. New wells will be built for new latrines. 
Construction work includes: 
• Rebuild support beams, roof and floors. 
• Add a water collection system for the school
• Outside ground work, regrade and reinforce
• Fix fissures in walls
• Build steps to reach restrooms, repair restrooms/latrines
• Paint walls, finish floors
• Create an outdoor space for children play

Latest update

Construction is completed! We are only waiting for classroom tables and chairs to be delivered. Check out pictures of the finished building.

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